MoonTime Balm
The externally applied period balm, based on natural herbs, has relaxing and antispasmodic characteristics that help enhance your well-being during menstruation.

MoonTime Tea
The soothing period tea is made of 100% natural herbs from controlled organic farming. It promotes relaxation and tranquility during your menstruation.

WindWater Gesichtsbalsam
Der WindWater Gesichtsbalsam, hiflt das Hautbild nach extremen Wetterbedingungen, wie Wind, Wasser, Hitze, Trockenheit und Kälte zu entspannen und verfeinern. 0% komedogen - Verstopft die Poren nicht und ist für sensible Haut sehr gut verträglich!
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Your feedback

The MoonTime Balm has become an absolute must-have for me! I love the scent and the ritual helped me a lot. In combination with the moon time tea for me the absolute feel-good experience during my period :)
Lea Glöckler

I've been using the MoonTme Balm for a few months now and I love the scent and the positive effect before and during my period - I can only recommend it to every woman!
Maria Becker

I used the Moontime Balm for the first time about 3 months ago, at the beginning of my period. I had cramps at night and the typical tightness in my abdomen. After less than 15 minutes the pain was over and I was able to sleep through the rest of the night! I no longer have to take painkillers during my period. Simply great! :)